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Executives are at the top of the pyramid. While climbing on the career ladder involves more experience, competency, responsibility and self-confidence, it often also implies loneliness. Executives feel quite often isolated. Either they do not trust people around them or they do not get honest feedback about their views and ideas.

Executive Coaching offers you a sphere of confidentiality and trust. This is a place where you can openly share your fears and concerns and test out new ideas and strategies with someone who has no vested interest or competing agenda. As your Executive Coach my role is to make you think out of the box, give you honest feedback and challenge you to gain new perspectives. Through our regular meetings you will be able to discover your own solutions, maximize your own potential and move into your desired future.

Coaching is a creative process which aims at maximizing a person's potential. It is not a consultancy, mentoring, therapy or any other helping profession. Coaching is a goal-directed activity and based on personal development and CLIENT initiated change. Therefore, one of the preconditions for effective coaching is to be ready to step outside one's comfort zone and be willing to try new ways of doing things.

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